March 26, 1920 Dr. W.J. Holland, Director, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland: Since receiving the Oakland Savings and Trust Company cancelled checks for the Earl Douglass Account, I have checked up the monthly statement as of February 1st which date agrees with the period covered by the Bank statement. Mr. Douglass' statement shows a balance of $3.04, this, however, should be corrected to read $2.74 because the amount of the cancelled check is for $33.80 while his statement for April, 1919 reads $33.50 making the difference of $.30 cents overpaid by check #4492 to W.R. Murray. Using the corrected statement balance of $2.74 and adding the following outstanding checks: #256 -- 4.00 #258 -- 20.00 #276 -- 20.00 #293 -- 4.00 making a total of 48.00/$50.74 The Bank statement shows a balance of $38.74 leaving a difference between the two accounts of $12.00. In going back over old papers of the Field Account, I note that at the time of the Bank's statement in December 1918 that the difference at that time was $12.00 and upon this statement