Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen, Utah My dear Douglass: Your letter of May 24 containing a warrant for $200.000 on the Treasury of the United States, being a refund of the amount we paid the Treasury in our attempt to secure possession of the land where we have been so long digging was received a few date ago and has been covered into our treasury. I perhaps owe you an apology for not havaing written to you at length before this about several matters but the incessant demands upon my time have made it almost impossible for me to keep up with my correspondence. The difficulty is aggravated by the fact that Miss Stribling has been incapacitated for some time and is confined to bed. There is no hope of her recovery but I have not yet been able to replace her services by another competent stenographer. I have been working for some six or eight weeks past upon the material representing Allosaurus a list somewhat in detail. I presume that you have a copy of this list. I discover from an examination of the list that from your detailed account it appears that these remains are scattered in a number of boxes. I have given orders to have the blocks as you have numbered them set out and the bones cleared from the matrix. We have completed our work with one large block, in which you will recall, there appeared the occipital portion of the skull which you had exposed to view and then covered over with plaster. I am happy to state that this occipital portion of the skull as far forward as the extromity of the frontal bones of the upper side and as far forward as the for the quadrangular bone on the lower side seems to be in pretty good condition