All before this is, however, crushed and broken. The ilium and saorum have crushed down the anterior bones of the skull. However, we have extricated some of the maxillary and one pre-maxillary, with possibly some fragements of the narial bones and numerous scattered teeth. The mandible appears to be wholly wanting. I recall that you had a mandible of an Allosaurus in your possession which you showed me in the little stone cabin near the quarry. At the time I directed you to send forward the material, I asked you not to fial to send this. You were using this for the delectuation of your Mormon visitors, and I cannot find in your list any reference to this material, and it occurs to me that perhaps you forgot to pack it up and send it on at the time. If you did send it we have been unable to find it as yet. Now, I would like you to search in the crannies of your memory and help me out in this matter and if you overlooked sending that mandible and it belongs to this particular material upon which we are working, I wish you would carefull pack it and let it come forward. It begins to look as if we might be able, if our surmise is correct, to get together enough material representing Allosaurus to effect a restoration of this immensely interesting dinosaur. It will be a great feather in you cap to have helped us to sevure such a specimen. Turning now from these remarks relating to Allosaurus I wish to express my pleasure, in view of your reported success in that part of the quarry where you are now working. You must push this work forward with all diligence and soon I am disposed not to renew our application to the Government to continue our work on and after the first of next January at this particular spot. We have spent a huge sum of money, of course with very remarkable returns of material, but I do not feel disposed to keep up piling more, but would rather work at what we have. I may say that the Dolichorhinus material is being pretty well worked up and we are begin-