ing to get a rather good idea of what Dolichorhinus looks like in a general way. A rather different beast form what Henry Fairfield Osborn thought it to be. Write me fully about yourself and your enterprises How is your dry farming coming on? Do you think it would be a good thing for you and your family to come back here for a while to more civilized surroundsing, where you can send Gavin to school? He must be growing up. I have half a notion to pack my valise one of these days and go out to see you, but failing that I am half fisposed to send Douglas Stewart out, though he is not a paleontologist and does not begin to know half so much about these things as I know from observation in the field. As I told you several years ago, this work at the so-called Dinosaur Monument cannot be continued forever by us, and we ought to work strenously while it is day and then the place ought to be abandoned and turned back to the public domain. This was the original intention.