Jensen, Utah, June 20, 1920 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- In answer to your letter of recent date in regard to Allosaurus, both rami of the mandible of the skeleton, No. 202 are lying near together but disarticulated. The block is No. 202/5 and were located at (Bc:105) in the quarry. No. 202/5 is in Block 202/C and was packed in Box 278. The portion of a mandible to which you refer was packed as directed and sent with last shipment. It is No. 225 and was packed in a package -- wrapped in paper I think -- in Box 372. This specimen was found by the boys when mucking out the west cut after the big slide. We searched the dump carefully several times trying to find the missing portion but without success.