Jensen, Utah, Sept. 20, 1920 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Am going to send a team to Vernal so will drop a line to let you know how we are getting along. We are now getting out portions of two skeletons. One appears to be much like the figures and descriptions of Haplocanthosaurus, at least the lateral processes on the neural arches are high something as in Stegosaurus and the ilia resemble those of Haplocanthosaurus. We have exposed several anterior caudals, the sacrals, about 7 dorsals the two ilia and some other bones which may belong with the skeleton. The dorsal series appears to end suddenly at a seam and one or two other series ending abruptly suggest a slight faulting. It is possible that the anterior portion of the skeleton will be found. We are taking down also the dorsals