Mack, Col. Sept. 17/20 Dear Mr. Douglas:- I tried several times to get you by telephone when in Vernal on my way home from the Park, but had to give it up. But am going to V- about the first of Oct. and will then see you. Have you heard from Dr. Holland, when he expects to come out here? I had a nice talk with Prof. Tope, president of the Colorado Teachers' Asso., and he is so anxious to meet you and Dr. H- and wants me to ask you if you can persuade him to come out about the middle of October, when the Western Slope teachers are to meet in Grand Junction for their annual meeting. Several noted men and women are to be here, among them will be Frank Gunsaules and some of the big eastern educators. If you can get Dr. H. here at that time, and will come yourself, Prof. Tope and I have planned our whole day for you and the Dr. and if you can come on Wednesday, the Rotary Club will entertain you at luncheon, and we will make