you most heartily welcome. You will both come to Mack as my guests, and if you will meet the doctor here, it will be better. I am so anxious about this, as it is my plan that is being worked out, and my heart is so entirely in it, and the children are so solidly with me in this effort for the nature work in the school for the betterment of the children, that you cant blame me for my enthusiasm. When you hear from Dr. Holland, will you drop me a line? I do so want you both to advise me as to the placing of my collection. Dr. Thompson, who is at the head of the Smithsonian Institute, is in Glenwood, and Prof. Tope has written urging him to come to G.J. for a talk in schools, and if he comes, I will meet him there, and if I can persuade him to take the trip, I will take him over to your quarry. With kindest regards to all the family, Very sincerely yours, Emma E. Cooley