Jensen, Utah, Nov. 8, 1920 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- We are now preparing for winter, -- and it looks as if it were surely coming. Snow probably all around us now but ground bare here yet and weather warm cloudy and rainy. Roads bad. We can always work here though unless it is actually storming. Have boxed part of material but got out of two-inch lumber. Expect some more here in a day or two. Have most of specimens out of which I wrote you unless there is a slight slip and one or more of them continue in the area below which is now stripped. It probably will not take long to find out what is there -- probably something of interest anyway. Took a couple of side trips for a few days. There were some who were willing to take me in autos to places where I had long wished to go. For the geological information I was able to give them. I found favorable-looking fields for our work but had not time to make a thorough search for fossil mammals and reptiles. Found to my surprise that the Green River, Wasatch, and probably the Fort Union come within two hours ride of here. Yours Truly, Earl Douglass (over) October Report a little delayed on acct of one or two receipts.