Jensen, Utah, December 22, 1920 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Dr. Holland:- In reply to your telegram dated Dec. 18, I submit the following report of work done in connection with the Dinosaur Quarry at the Dinosaur National Monument during the year 1920. This report will be accompanied by an outline map which I mail at the same time. In the early part of the year we continued eastward, in the Eastern Extension, above the bottom line of the Old Quarry. As the top weathered border of the rocky exposure sloped downward toward Neilsen Gulch to the eastward this formed a triangular area terminating in a point to the eastward. The skeleton of No. 333, a small sauropod Dinosaur about 25 feet long, was discovered in 1919 but most of the excavating