Stegosaurus were uncovered and it was soon found that they were in place in reference to the articulated end of the tail. This tail has been followed with the exception of a few vertebrae to near its anterior portion and wherever exposed the chevrons are all in place. The tail is ventral side up while the pelvis is in the opposite position. The dorsal portion of the tail has not been exposed enough to show whether the dorsal plates are in position or not. Heretofore many more or less complete portions of skeletons of Stegosaurus have been found in the quarry and all through the diggings they have been sown and scattered like chaff, leading to contempt of the whole race and often to profanity, but such a beautiful beginning -- or ending -- led to the hope that at last we might solve the outstanding problems concerning an animal that has been represented in about all possible shapes and in all positions from crawling like a mud turtle to an exalted position upon pedestals -- or perhaps -- in more prosaic terms, -- like a scarescrow on stills [stilts?]. We cannot say yet whether or not the skeleton is complete. If it is it must be directed downward. We have also exposed about 7 vertebrae of a medium-sized sauropod Dinosaur. Possibly it belongs to Haplocanthosaurus.