[About Dec. 1920] Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland, About three days ago I sent you a telegram and wrote you but as I have not yet sent the letter and will probably have an opportunity tomorrow, I will write again in the light of a little more investigation. Three or four days before I wrote you we uncovered part of a series of caudals (articulated) and with two of the tail spines apparently in position -- or in the supposed position as the bones were over the upper portions of the caudals. We traced the vertebrae anteriorly as far as we could do so without removing larger masses of rock and they run still in undisturbed articulation with chevrons in place. But working the rock off in that direction we soon partly uncovered what appeared to be a mandible of a large Dinosaur articulated with what, after working some time, I concluded must be the posterior base of the skull.