March 6th, 1921 Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah Dear Mr. Douglass;- Will you be kind enough to send me your check books so that we can straigthen out the field account with the stubs. I will have the bank book of the field account balanced here, but I think it would be well for you to have your personal account balanced also, as you have been drawing on it and refunding to yours. The two trees on your property have been taken down. We could not get this work done for less than $50.00; possibley there will be a little bit more. The supt. of the West End Park, Mr. Neil McCallum, kindly consented to oversee this work for nothing. I have a bill from Mr. George Neimayer for doing the work. I will pay Mr. Neimayer the $50.00 and substract it from your salary for the month of March.