Jensen, Utah, April 5, 1921 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Dr. Holland:- I am sending Financial Statement and vouchers for March. We have been pushing the excavating at the quarry, hoping that we might clear things up to the new Stegosaurus skeleton (No. 350) and the Sauropod Dinosaur (No. 340) and get them out at an early date so that, if nothing else of unusual interest came to light we could discontinue work if it were thought best; but now another skeleton has come to light (No. 345) which apparently lies over the Sauropod (340) and nearly over the Stegosaurus -- perhaps directly over part of it. We do not yet know to shat genus No. 345 belongs or No. 340 for that matter. Of No. 340 we have as yet seen only a large portion of the neck. Part of the cervicals and dorsals of No. 345 are exposed. We are redrawing the chart of the whole quarry