Jensen, Utah, June 17, 1921 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Dr. Holland:- Work is progressing at the quarry as well as funds will allow. We have met another obstruction in the form of another large skeleton. How much of it there is we cannot tell yet but we have exposed a scapula, a connected series of cervicals, limb bones etc. We do not know what it is yet and we did not expect it as it is in the rock which overlies the regular bone-horizon. In it we find many scattered bones but seldom any that are good. We were getting the rock away to get around the Stegosaurus and the two other skeletons when we encountered it. We have also a new skull of a new kind. It probably belongs to an entirely undescribed species. It is too small, I should say, to belong to any species we have found unless it be the complete skeleton No. 333 which as I have said is probably about 25 ft long. The skull as I remember is about 12 inches long -- perhaps a little more. The teeth resemble Diplodocus but are more flat, and they are numerous reaching back nearly half the length of the skull. The skull is apparently higher proportionally than that of Diplodocus. We do not know yet whether any or all of the skeleton is near. We hope that we may at least find enough bones to correlate it with some other skeleton. The work is progressing very satisfactorily