Supplementary Report on Work done for the Carnegie Museum under the direction of Earl Douglass for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921 To Dr. Wm. J. Holland, Director In compliance with your wish I send you report supplementing that submitted last March. As I have not a copy of that report I hope to be excused if I repeat any statements made there. I have previously mentioned the skeleton of Stegosaurus and the two skeletons of Sauropod Dinosaurs associated with it. These three skeletons lie in such positions in relation to each other that they must be taken out together and we may not know how complete any one is until the removal of all is well under way. The sauropods are of different species and genera without doubt; one being of medium size and the other (judging by the portion of the neck that has been uncovered) about the length of Diplodocus. In removing the rock from the eastward to