to be hoped that we may find the skeleton or bones enough to correlate it with some other bones or skeletons which we possess, so we may know to "what sort of a beast" it belonged. I surmise that it may be about the right size for the skeleton No. 333 which is nearly complete including the skull. I do not know of anything else which we have unearthed that it is likely to fit. Side-trips have brought to light new localities apparently favorable for collecting mammals and mollusca from the Wasatch, Mammals from the Green River, Dinosaurs from the Mesa Verde (Upper Cretaceous) splendid fossil leaves and insects from the Green River, and Mammals from one or more horizons of the Uinta. Operations at the quarry, however, have prevented the organization of expeditions into these localities. The discovery of bones of Mammals in the Green River and Dinosaur bones in the Mesa Verde are of especial interest. Yours sincerely, Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah, June 22, 1921