Oct. 13, 1921 Dr. Wm. J. Holland, Carnegie Museum, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA Dear Sir: An inspection by our Mine Inspector discloses the fact that you are operating a Dinosaur Quarry in the interests of the Carnegie Museum, near Jensen Utah, and that you have under your direction, and through Dr. Earl Douglas your representative, three or more employes. This is to advise you that the Workmen's Compensation Law of Utah requires that all employers of labor who have in their employ at any time, three or more men, are required to take out workmen's compensation insurance. The provisions of this law are compulsory and we are therefore calling your atttention to the fact in order that you may procure the proper coverage. This may be done by taking the matter up with the State Insurance Fund of Utah, State Capitol, or with one of the independent carriers who are authorized to do business in the State. We are enclosing a copy of this letter to Dr. Earl Douglas for his information, and trust that immediate steps will be taken to secure proper coverage as required by law.