Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen, Utah My dear Douglass; Your letter of November 20th has just been received; your letter of October 16th was also duly received. In the letter of October 16th you asked me to make an apporpritation of $150.00 beyond the regular monthly allowance of $300 in order to meet extraordinary expenses on account of material, etc., as far as I was able to understand your letter. In your letter of November 20th you asked the deposit of an extra $100 at the end of this month. The $150 which you asked for in the first letter was granted you and I have instructed Mr. Stewart to deposit the additional $100 for which you now ak, thus your requests as to financial assistance have been met. Now that I am writing to you after re-perusing your letter of October 16th and your letter of November 21st it occurs to me that I should at this time take up certain matters that require attention and ask you to give me certain information which I require. 1. It appears form correspondence which I have has with the Secretary of the Interior that ceratin parties at Venal appear to know more about the administration fo our affairs than I know myself. They have been writing to the Secretary of the Ineterior informing him that they ahve been informed that the Carnegie Museum is about to abandon its work in the quarry. What the source of their information has been I do not know. It si pretty plain that "somebody has been talking." Inasmuch as the matter is wholly in my hands I have been a little astonished to read