some of the correspondence which has been addressed to the Secretary of the Interior, which he has very properly submitted to me. It will be time enough for the people that neighborhood to talk when I shall have officially announce my purposes. 2. I wish you immediately upon receipt of this letter to prepare for me a statement such as you have prepeared in former years giving me an account fo the work which you have done during the past twelve months from December 1920 to December 1921 accompanying same by a small map giving an outline of the area excavated, an estimate of the number of cubic yards of rock removed in uncovering, and a statement of the nature of the specimens found during the past twelve months so far as you are able to do so. Of course I realize that any information that may come form you as to the nature of the objects discovered is necessarily open to correction and revision when the specimens shall have been revoved from the stone and that it is almost impossible for a quarry man to tell with any exactness what the blocks which he has taken up may contain. Your report is needed by me when I shall make application on the first of January for renewal fo the permit to continue our work at the quarry. While I ahve intimated to you in times past that you need not expect that this work would be coninued indefinetly and forever I have not yet authorized you or anybody else to say that the Carnegie Museum is about to abandon this work. It will be time enought to speak of an abandonment of the work when I have notified you formally that the work shall be abandoned. 3. I wish you to give me a full and complete list of the boxes which are now awaiting shipment to the Museum stating in your list the numbers of the boxes and approximate dimesions of each box with an esitmate of the cubic contents of the crates and their weight 4. You write to me about having proepared a new map covering the operation in the quarry brought down to a reduced scale. It is highly important that all of the original records as well as any revision you may make thereof should be preserved and put at our dispositon her in the Museum.