to put in the bridge but haven't begun operations yet. We surely hope they will, for if they do not we are likely to be shut in -- or out -- during the winter, or a part of it. I think though that Mr. M. will let us through. The Victory Highway goes through Vernal and Jensen to Craig so it should be a good road. Before we do any shipping I can go over it and ascertain the conditions. I understand that there is a large warehouse at Craig. As I stated before, I should judge that to make us safe you should see to our permit as it is impossible to clear things up here before the first of the year. I do not know, but the government might have plans which it will put in operation if we should discontinue work. Probably you have attended to this. We seem now to be in the best part of the quarry so far as complete skeletons is concerned. We have had an unusually warm and pleasant autumn, but we are expecting winter any day now. Yours sincerely Earl Douglass