Jensen, Utah, Dec. 12, 1921 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Complying with your request by letter of Nov. 30, I submit to you a map of the portion of the quarry worked in 1921. We have drawn the bones which have come to light. The large skeleton in the east end is in an unusual position as it is above (geologically) the bone layer and the real bone bearing formation under it of course cannot be examined until this is removed. Apparently it contains the tail of Diplodocus the neck and body of which have been found. I send with this chart a crude chart of the whole of the quarry showing the space opened up in 1921 and in previous years. Also a map showing road to quarry. Part of this is new and most of it has been gone over and made better. To get rid of continual