Dec. 14, 1921 Dr. Holland:- I have been obliged to pay "on account, and give receipts accordingly, but there will be later, a summing up and receipts showing number of days in each month etc. The coal we took on acct and sold to [museum?] at cost. Please let me know if you decide to allow an extra hundred for two or three months, at least, to get things straightened up and keep force at work, or shall I make different arrangement with men? I am trying to make every dollar count and if there is any question as to any item I am perfectly willing eventually to be resposible personally for it tho I am more than "busted" just now. I don't understand why we cannot get those who mail my checks to send them directly to the Uintah State Bank. I have tried several times to have this done. Perhaps there is some good reason. If there is will you let me know?