one of the freight trucks or passenger autos in a few days and see the conditions for myself. The stage line men say the road is good, but wish to get a personal view of things. After that I can send you railroad rates etc. Probably you can get rates on Moffat road as well as on the Uintah road, and save heavy expenses of men in Watson and Mack. I have rates on Moffat road but cant get my hand on the thing now. More of the Incognito Dinosaur is coming to light. Have been uncovering the sacral spines etc to-day and hes surely new as far as I am concerned. Will tell you more later. I don't know that I ever told you but the mules are no more. One of my men has a good team here and it is cheaper and little I think to pay for them when we work them than to buy feed for a team of our own and have to care for them. Probably there will not be very much team work during the winter. Yours Truly, Earl Douglass