Jensen, Utah, Dec. 29, 1921 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Dr. Holland, I know that you have many cares and perplexities and I do not wish to add to them but I am far away and cannot see to the thing myself and not knowing the law of the cities, if there is any, so I thought I would present a matter to you and you would know who could best look it up and attend to it. I enclose the notice from the man who claims to be Chief Inspector. This Mr. Rau has been bothering me for some time about these trees. My friend Mr. Geo. O. Morgan of Shilds, Pa. went personally to see the conditions. There is only one tree, I believe that is in any way dangerous, and this is considered so only by this Mr. Rau and some mischief maker in the neighborhood. I bought two lots there lots about