1904 and 1906 on account of the beautiful woods there and the four fine oak trees on the lots thinking that at some time in the golden future I might put up a bungalow there. Mr. Rau bought the property there I think about two years ago, knowing that the trees were there and that they were not his, and notwithstanding this menace the property (his property) I understand has been increasing in value. I understand, too, that he has not considered the danger so great that he would take out any insurance against wind. He seems to want to clear my lot for some purpose but he is not afraid of the trees on his own lot. The people are up in arms about it as they made homes there on account of the trees. I have a letter from a gentleman who lives there, and who I believe, is connected with the Technical Schools. If I can find it at once I will enclose it. If not I will send it later. I have