Notice to the Public The Dinosaur Quarry At the Dinosaur National Monument is open to visitors only during the week days form 8 am to 5pm At other times special arrangements must be made by telephone in order to obtain admission and secure a guide. This should be done as far ahead as possible. Until an officer is furnished by the Park Commission or in some other way, it will be necessary to charge a small fee, proportional to the time spent, for the services of a guide. Otherwise the large, extra expense of guarding the quarry and entertaining visitors during work hours would fall on the Museum which is doing the excavating; while outside work hours this task would be dependent on the voluntary services of employees. This is no money-making scheme but the action is taken for the sole purpose of protecting the Museum and its employees and to try to prevent the closing of the quarry to visitors, who would be willing and glad to pay for the service. Time and expense can be saved by organizing in parties. Telephone, Dinosaur Quarry, Green 574, Or, Earl Douglass Green 575