Earl Douglas Your letter requesting an additional allowance for the month of June of $85 has been received and this amount has been deposited to the Field Account today. At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees Dr. Holland was made Director Emeritus of the Museum, and I have been appointed Director. I understand, though not officially, that the Doctor will also act as Curator Emeritus of Paleontology. Under these cirmcumstances in the future kindly address your reports to me. My present plan is send Mr. Pterson and Mr. Coggeshall out to your quarry about the middle of August and after they ahve gone over the ground with you I would like to have a report from each of you gentlemen as to the best policy to purseu in the work. I am sending Mr. Coggeshall a moving picture camera as I think that if there is any possiblility of closing up the quarry we should have a pictorial record of the work being done. I am also requesting Mr. Coggeshall and Mr. Peterson to take photographs and measuremetns which can be used in amking an accurate model. As to your recommendation concerning the purchase of an automobile truck.