Dr. Wm J. Holland I worte you not long ago about our need of a truck here and reminded you as to the possibility of getting a government truck. I have been thinking of the matter more since and there seems to be no doubt that if we can get one truck or even two it will pay us many time over. If we hadd two we could take our freight to the railroad perfectly indeptendent of any hold up freighters. We could do it too, unless for some unusal mishap, for half or less than half what freighter would charge. We have surely been doing a big paleontological business here and we are facing a big bill for transportation. I estimate that we have over 200.000 pounds of fossils in the rock now ready for shipment and in sight in the quarry. At $1.50 per cwt. it would cost us $3,000 to get this to Craig. At $1.25 it would cost $2,500. With two trucks two men, with a little help to load coudl deliver 6 tons, 12000 pounds, to Craig in three days. The wages of the men would be $24. The gas and oil would be $50. and $60. The roads are not bad in any place and most of the way they are excellent. With a new White or G.M.C truck the expense for repairs ect. over such a road, would be light for the first year or two. There is a good new fire proof freight elevator in Craig