November 16, 1922 Mr. Earl Douglass By thsi time you have probably heard directly from Dr. Walcott, the Secretary of the Smithosonian Institution and from Dr. Merrill. According to my latest advices from them it is the intention of the Government to take over, in behalf of the Natioanl Museum, the Dinosaur Monument, on or about January 1, 1923. At the present time they have not completed arrangements by which this work is to be financed, and so if we left the quarry absoultely unguarded, in a short time there would be nothing left to guard. Under these circumstances I have informed Dr. Walcott that, until such time as we have completed our work, you will act as custodian of the property. At tghe Government's request I have also agreed that in the event that we ahve finished our work before they have made proper arrangements for the care of the quarry, to lend you to the Government for a period not to exceed six months, with the understanding of course that you should receive the same salary and expenses fromt hem that you receive from the Carnegie Museum. I have absolutely refused to consider your going permanently into the Government employ, as you are much too valuable a man to us for me to consider such a proposition. I feel certain that these arrangements will prove satisfactory to you as I know that you will wish to remain in your present home, and this seems an easy way to meet both your own desires and those of the National Museum. I hope by this time you have made satisfactory arrangements for the hauling of the material to Craig. I believe that I wrote you before that we could not