might uncover one of these skulls. It would be a scientific misdemeanor if not a crime to have the skeleton of a Stegosaurus in one museum and the head in another. I believe there would be no trouble with the people in Washington, yet it would undoubtedly be better to have an understanding in the beginning. If we ship in January as we design to do there will be much office work which it will be necessary for me to do for the Carnegie Museum. As you undoubtedly know O a, extremely interested in the geology especially Tertiary of this region. In the past I have has the opportunity of going out for a few days, studying the gelogy, and locating new fields for future operations collecting ect. Every trip has been a revelation and the work has been done with little or no expense to the Museum aside from my salary. Part of the time it would undoubtedly necessary for me to stay pretty closely by the quarry but at other stimes I could be spared several days.