Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen Utah Dear Mr. Douglass: I was interested in reading your letter of December 26 and am glad to know that you have started to move the material to the Railroad. I am still trying to get information from the Union Pacific Railroad and in spite of two or three letters which I have written to thier President months ago I have not had any favorable action on free transportation. The representative of the Union Pacific in Pittsburgh has now taken the matter up and promises me a reply within a few days. As soon as I have something definite I will inform you. Would it not be better for you to take up the matter of securing cares from your end of the line instead of attempting to do ti from Pittsburgh? As I have already written you, we have information formt he Chicago and Northwestern granting us free transportation for two carloads of fossils in rock form Omaha to Chicago. Of course, when you are ready to ship, it will be necessary for you to have the car numbers and initials by telegraph so that I may inform the Chicago and Northwester R.R. and the Pennsylvania R. R During the month of December we deposited to the Carnegie Museum Field Account the following amounts: Dec. 6 - $400, Dec. 18 - $250, Dec. 20 - $100 and Dec. 29 - $300. After having received $1050 in one month I cannot believe that so large an amount as $350 is necessary, excepting, of course, the amount which will be needed to pay for the transportation of the fossils by which will be needed to pay for the transportation of the fossils by motor to Craig. Twice during the last month I was rush depostis to the bank as you had overdrawn, both times rather small amounts one about $20 and another about $60. With this information before you, will you please give me a revised estimate for your needs. We, of course, cannot continue to pay over $1000 a month in addition ot the heavy charges for transportation both by motor and by rail, it might be well for you to telegraph me on receipt of this letter. Your balcance at Oakland Savings and Trust Co. this morning is $206.51