Douglass Stewart, Director, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. My dear Stewart:- When we went out to Craig and made arrangements for trucking I thought that the weather was settled and the road would be fine. We have has a relapse of the stormy weather and I understan that out in Colorado it snowed every day for a week or more. Mr. Phelan, the man I had engaged, started out from Craig with trucks and had to return on account of the snow. Again within the last two or three days it has looked as if we would have a stretch of fair but cold inter weather but this afternoon it looks doubtful again. There are appearances of storm or a thaw. More snow would only delay our plans but a thaw might be serious. If there were as much snow on this end of the route as the other the problem might be easy to solve. WE could line up a string of teams and sleights and slide it out there in nice shape. I intend to go out ten or fifteen miles on the road with Mr. Kay and if there is enough snow to get it out there it will be easy slipping the rest of the way I am sure, if the pass is cleared and it undoubtedly will be as mail has to cross. I would find out conditions before starting. I can get teams and sleighs enough to take the whole thing at once. Probably arrangements can be made to have the cars there when we go out and then we could unload right into the cars.