This would mean a saving of much time and expense as otherwise we would have to unload into the warehouse and afterward go with men and load cars. We will keep our eyes on things here and when the opportunity comes will get the freight to the station. I will wire you if necessary and you can wire me about cares etc. I think the plan of trucking by sleighs if roads are good would be easiest and safest but if for any reason it does not meet your approval you can let me know. We have the skeletons cleaned out and down the hill off the Monument. There is some more boxing to do but that is being done and soon probably all will be ready for shipping. Conditions were such that we could not see the head and neck of Stegosaurus but the chances are that it is in the last block taken down. In the proper place I will indicate in which block it will probably be found. As soon as we can get at it Mr. Kay and I will complete the verifying the records and then he will be at your disposal and you can write him or me instructions. It will be a great thing for him to spend a few months in the Museum. The skeletongs of Diplodocus need a little attentiona nd we have had no time to do anything, but if I son not hear from Washington I will eprsonally attend to them as soon as I can get a little time. The exposed bones are subject to disintegration. Earl Douglass