January 11, 1923 Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah My dear Douglass: I wish to acknowledge your letter of January 4th. By the same mail I received a letter from Mr. Carl H. Gray, President of the Union Pacific R. R. Co. informing me that this line would grant free transportation of the two carloads of fossils. He requested me to let him know two or three weeks in advance so that cars could be provided. Under these circumstances I think it would be well for you to telegraph me when the material reaches Craig. Owing to the uncertainty of the roads I am afraid you cannot let me know far enough ahead to permit having the cars on hand when you arrive. I realize that this would be a grat advantage but doubt if it can be worked out in such a satisfactory manner. I am now taking up the matter with the Pennsylvania R.R. in an endeavor to secure free haulage from Chicago to Pittsburgh and if I am not successful with that railroad will try the B&O or the Vanderbilt lines. The only railroad will freight which it will be necessary to pay, I am sure, will be that from Craig to Denver over the Moffit line. I have not heard anything lately form the National Museum and do not know what progress they are making in regard to taking over the quarry. Of course I do not wish to keep a large force of men owrking for the government at our expense, so as soon as you finish loading, cut soen your men. I will make arrangements about Mr. Kay as soon as you can give a definite date upon which you will be through with him.