My dear Stewart;- Unfortunately our plans for shipping to Craig have been held up for the present on account of the condition of the roads. The roads were excellent until the snow came in December. Even when I went to Craig last a line of trucks coming over from there would have put the roads in good condition had it not been for contiued storms and winds. As there is not much traffic over the high divide and mess in the winter the roads have not been kept open. As I have said it is a State Highway, and the commissioner in charge told me that if we were going to freight that way he would have the road kept open, but it seems that storms and winds have been continuous. Then, too, this gentlemen's term of office expired the ninth of this month. I wrote you too that I wnet to Craig and engaged a man to haul the fossils with trucks. I also expected to get two or three trucks in Vernal. The gentlemen started out from Craig just after the beginning of the new year and returned on account of the condition of the roads. About a week ago a freighter and road contractor came down from Craig on other business and came to see me about hauling the freight. He proposed to put two or three teams at the worst places and keep the road clear. As it is a slack time just at present he thought he could get about eight trucks and