Our only alternative now would be to ship by Price or Watson or wait unitl the roads are good in the spring, if they do not get good before. The first two of these would involve new negotiations, and it is doubtful if we would better ourselves. The Unintah Railway Company, however, is anxious for the job would come here with trucks and get the freight. As we have not intended to ship that way on account of the expense of transfer and the repeated handling of the boxes, I have not asked for their rates to Mack by Watson. As I wired you I have laid off all the men except Mr. J. LeRoy Kay who is helping me with the records and in straightening up odds and ends. Everything from the quarry is boxed and off the grounds, and except for a few hours work, ready for shipment. It kept us going to make it but we are out. We did not have to try to renew permit and I foresee no complications or cause for trouble. Apprently we were at a good stopping place. If I hear definitely that we will ship by the Union Pacific I presume I can take up the matter with the Denver Office by letter or telegram and request a waving of the rules in this case, or asking them that, on the receipt of a telegram from me telling when the freight will be ready, they will send cars to Craig. Earl Douglass