My dear Stewart: Your letter of January 11th. was received. Mr. Kay is helping me out in the work in which he is indispensable, and as I wired you I can spare him about the first of February unless somehting unforeseen occurs. There is a lot more work with the records and other things which will have to be doen but I can take care of that myself. It took unitla bout the 8th. of January to get all the fossils down form the Quarry, get them boxed etc. There is a little work to be done yet but no much. I kept the full force of course until about the above date, then I let all go but Mr. Kay. The trucking is still hanging fire though I have been expecting every day top see the man who wished the contract. We are Having a January thaw just now with rain, snow, etc. I do not know just how this will effect the roads but hope it will not hinder. I will give you detailed estimate of funds needed to straighten accounts to date etc. Total $350.00