My dear Douglass: I have at last completed arrangements for the transportation of the two carloads of fossils in rock. It was not possible to get free transportation over the Pennsylvania Lines, so our route is fixed as follows: From Craig to Denver over the Moffatt Line (Denver & Salt Lake City): from Denver to Omaha over the Union Pacific; from Omaha to Chicago over to Pittsburgh over the New York Central Lines. With the exception of the first leg of this journey, the transporation is free. As soon as you have made final arrangements to ship, communicate with me by telegraph, so that I may notify the officials of these several lines. I have had a letter from Mr. Ravenal of the National Museum, telling me that Dr. Walcott is ill at present, but that they have introduced a bill into Congress by which they hope to secure an appropriation for carrying on the work in the National Dinosaur Monument. Things have been so delayed in Utah that I harldy think it worth while to bring Mr. Kay this spring. He would only be here a few months before we would probably decide to send him into the field again. I also think that he will be a great help to you in aiding in the transportation and loading of your speciments. I have deposited $350, which you requested in the bank. Do not make any unecessary improvements at the quarry as I do not wish to leave anything more