Dear Dr. Walcott: Your letter of February 17, has been received. At present, on account of wintry weather, there are only occasional visitors at the quarry at the Dinosaur National Monument. As soon as the roads are good and the weather settled they will be more numerous. The number of the visitors has increased from year to year and the popularity of the Monument will undoubtedly grow rapidly in the future as people hear of it and lear where it is. The greater number come in the tourist season from June to October. Last august there were over 500 visitors at the quarry. They come from early morning to dark in fact some have viewed the remains by flash light. By this you will get some idea of the taks of a custodian of the Monument. I have not yet received final definite orders formt he Director of our museum. I believe, though that the immense Teritary deposits here will be studied and collections made from the various horizons and the numerous collecting grounds which we have located. This place will undoubtedly be the base of operations from which operations from which expeditions will be sent out.