Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen, Utah My dear Douglass: I wish to acknowledge your letter of February 27 and say that I had already depostied $100 to the Field Accoutn to cover the expenses of the month of February and will deposit an additional $50 this week. Acting upon this information I will deposit $150 for a month from now one, unless I hear to the contrary from you. Please be careful not to overdraw this amount. I am enclosing a copy of a letter received from Mr. Sheers, the Auditor. Will you please look up the items concerning which he inquires? I have had a letter from the Department of the Interior, informing me that Utah, through the representative of the State in congress, was attempting to sevure a permit to carry on the work in Jensen quarry. I feel certain that Dr. Walcott much perfers to have the work done by the National Museum, and I must say I agree with him that the Government should have the first call. Another consideration i sthe fact that I do not believe that Utah has men sufficiently skilled in taking our fossils, and therefore are likely to ruin some good material in the attempt. However, you need not quote me in this respect.