Miss Ora M. Douglass Dear Miss Douglass: In reply to your letter of March 17th, I am afraid that the Earl Douglass in our employ could not possibly be connected with your family. Earl Douglass was born in Medford, Minn in 1862, and was the son of Fernando Douglass. He first came to the Carnegie Museum in the year 1902 and has been employed here ever since. In 1909, while on one of our expeditions, he discovered the wonderful deposti of fossil dinosaurs in the Uintah Mountains near Jensen, Utah and since that time has been continously employed in removing these fossils from the rock. Some years ago this locality was made a National Reservation an is known as the National Dinosaur Monument. I am very sorry that I cannot, as you see, give you any hope that this man is your brother's nephew. Yours very truly