Dear Stewart: I expect to go to Vernal to day for the first time for over four months so will send you a few lines. We have been having a protracted period of bad weather and almost impassable roads since February but not it is getting so that one can get around a little. A man came on horseback from Craig a few days ago. He thinks with good weather the roads in that direction ought to be pretty good in a couple of weeks. I will try to keep track of the matter and when reports are good will probably go and investigate. It has become necessary for me to have a little change so I hope to get out in the field for a few days and get a rest from indoor work. I probably will be able to get some interesting things. I will probably write again soon. Though I have urged the necessity of doing nothing has been done to protect the quarry against vandalsim only to depend on me. I said two or three months ago that I would see to it until there was time to appoint somone but that did not mean so great a length of time. Earl Douglass