Mr. Douglass: Referring to your letter of April 19th I am herewith enclosing a photostat copy of Field Account check No. 867 issued by you in favor of W.E. Farrar for $39.60. On your September statement there were two $40. items for W.E. Farrar and a like number on the October statement and at the time Mr. Sheers checked this statement there was a receipt lacking for one of the $40 items. Later a statement was received showing cridits for various tiems paid to Farrar by you but only three items appeared in the two months I have mentioned. There were four $40 on the statement and the first one was for June 30, which item also appears on your statement of account for June. The Auditor would be glad to have you review this account and determine about the other $40 item. The total amount due Farrar for material was $249.78. Our files show that we have nto received from you a receipt fro the $6 paid the Uintah Telephone Co. according to your March statement and $12.45 paid to the same company in your December statement. If these have been lost will you kinly have duplicates made and send them on. I am still anxious to hear from you as to when you think you still be able to ship the material you have packed and ready.