My dear Douglass: I have just received your letter of June the first and am glas to know that you are getting along so well with the loading. I am also glad that you think the weight will not be as great as at first estimated, because our funds are getting low and every dollar we can save will be useful for future collecting. I deposited on Monday $1500 to the Field Accoutn int he Oakland Savings & Trust Company, in addition to the $1000 already deposited the latter part of May. I notified you of this by telegraph, so this is simply a confirmation of that telegram. Upon receipt of your telegram I telegraphed the President of the Union Pacific Chicago & Northwestern, Indiana Belt Line, and wrote to the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie. I have had telegrams from the Union Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern, so that everything will be attended to over their lines. There will be no trouble on the others I have mentioned. It will be as well, however, when you start your shipment to telegraph these gentlemen, whose names I have already given you. If the Moffat Line will accept the freight on your guarantee, it will be better to pay that at this end. I believe you told me that rate is ninety cents a hundred. Please let me know, if you have any way of finding out, the appronimate time it will take these cares to reach Pittsburgh.