My dear Douglass: Your letter of June 13th has just been received. The first car arrived in Pittsburgh this morning. Unfortunately there was a mixup and freight charges were carried forward by Union Pacific and the Chicago & North Western. Having had telegrams formt he presidents fo these two roads, I have been able to straighten the matter out. I will deposti $300 to your credit in a few days, but keep your expenses sown as much as possible. Since you are not collecting but only finishing up records we cannot afford a great amount of money for this work. Please send in as soon as possible your list of the contents of the boxes. It is a pity that we did not have this list before the car arrived as it is not possible for us to pile the boxes to the best advantage without this information. I suppose you have had my telegram referring to the purchase of a Ford car. The market for second-hand automobiles has gone to pices and $450 for a secon-hand car strikes me as being extremely high. Director Carnegie Museum