Dear Stewart: As we hope to begin more extended exploration work soon, and as you are nearing the end of the fiscal year and are undoubtedly outlining your plans, I wish to confer with you regarding two or three phases of the field work here. While it is impossible for you to give instructions concerning all the details of the work, there are certain of the more important matters regarding which we should have a mutual understanding. We purchased the truck about which I wired you. Though I confess I have little personal love for a Ford car, this was a real bargain as we could not fit up such a one for twice the money. With regard to Mr. Kay, he thinks he should get more salary then he has been getting and he should, for he is worth it and can command it. I think, besides myself, Peterson and Coggeshall have given testimony as to his efficiency. This is shown more as new emergencies arise. I understand that the other men who were working for us, who are now working at the quarry, are getting $120 per month. Of course this is not a permanent job.