Dear Douglass: In reply to your letter of June 22 I wish to say that both carloads of fossils have arrived in Pittsburgh safely and the specimens seem to be in good condition. Teh second car came through with the charges correctly estimated and the freight charges on the first car are being adjusted. I am confident that we will have no trouble with either the Union Pacific or Chicago & Northwestern in this matter. Concerning your summer collecting: Owing to the large amount already expended for paleontological work, and the fact that the Museum income has not been increased the expenses will have to be kept to a minimum. The salary of Mr. Kay of $125 a month will be satisfactory, but it is not possible for me, nor would my Committee permit me, to add any one else to this force, so I cannot accept your proposition and have you son work for the Museum, even at a nominal figure. I think it best for you to pay Mr. Kay, as you have done heretofore, form the field account. Please let me have an estimate of what you think your collecting expenses will be. In my opinion, including Kay's salary, and of course realizing the fact that your salary will be paid as usual from here, $250 a month should be the outside figure. It is not the intention of this Museum to do any paleontological collecting after this fall. I should think that by the 15th of September, or at the latest the first of October your work should be concluded. We have an enormous amount of material here to be taken out of the rock, and in my opinion our efforts should be concentrated on them. With this end in view I would like Mr. Kay to come to the