Dear Mr. Stewart: If plans work out properly the University of Utah expects to enter the Dinosaur Quarries at Jensen, Utah just as soon as the Smithsonian Institute abandons it which is reported as likely within the next six week or two months. Now, of course, as you know a quarry such as this can be worked only under the direction of an experienced man. The University has no such man, hence I am appealing to you for a special favor. Your Mr. Earl Douglas is working in the general vicinity of the quarries and will continue to make his headuarters near them. I wondering if you could make it possible, without too much inconvenience to yourself, to permit Mr. Douglas to oversee our excavating work which we hope to have completed within about three months after we start. Mr. Douglas informs me that personally he would be willing to do this and that he believes it can be done with but little interference with his regular work. It would also be desirable for you to loan us the services of Mr. Kay of whose time we might need a little more than that of Mr. Douglas. Even in the case of Mr. Kay, however, he would not necessarily need to be at the quarries all of the time. Perhaps only when some of the more critical work was being done. Concerning the matter of remunerating these men for their services: We would be glad to leave this whole affair to you. If you want us to pay them directly this could be done or if you wish we could pay them through you just as you see fit. Any recommendation from you concernign this matter will be approved by us. I am fully aware fo the great favor that I am asking