Dear Douglass: Your letter of July 15 I find on my desk on my return this morning. In the first place I wish to correct a wrong impression which you seem to have and upond reading one of my former letters I find this is quite natural that you should have since I did not explain myself clearly. I did not intend to insinuate that the Carnegie Museum is going to stop all paleontological field collectiong in the future. I did not inted to say that we are not going to carry on extensive work during the coming winter, such as was made necessary while we were in possession of the National Dinosaur Monument. I fully intend to take up field work again in the spring and my seuggestion that you come here for the winter, I considered would be advantageous both for you and for this Museum, as I know that it would be well for you consider it would be injurious to your health, I am not going to insist on this chanbe in your plans. I had no intention of saying that you were to sever your connection with the Carnegie Museum such a thing never entered my mind. Since writing you last I have has a communication from the Utah museum saying that on the completion of Gilmore's work at the quarry they have received permission from the Utah museum saying that on the completion of Gilmore's work at the quarry they have received permission fromt he department of the Interior to continue the work, but confessing that they had no man competent to oversee thsi work. the letter requested that I should permit you and Mr. Kay to work for the Utah authorities. I replied that in your case, it was enitrely dependent upon your wishes, and that if it was agreeable to you I would be very glad to grant you leave of absence for a time, if that time were not long, they pay you your salary, but I did not mention salary being paid you by this Museum, thinking it was only right for you to make your own arrangements if you desire to do this work. In regard to Mr. Kay I wrote that I ahd promised to bring him into the Museum to work during the coming winter, and so did not believe his services would be available at the quarry later than October 15th, even if he is willing to do the work. Of course if you think it advisable or necessary I might extend this time for Kay until November the first. You failed to refer in your letter to the allowance which I have made for your field colelcting during this summer, nor have you given me any report of what you have accomplished. Please let me hear on these points. Not having heard from you, I will deposit the latter part of this week $250 for your August allowance. Director Carnegie Museum